04 Jul, 23

Stairlift Alternatives: A Comprehensive Guide

When a family member experiences limited mobility, a flight of stairs can become a significant obstacle. If the condition worsens, we are faced with some important considerations. For some, a stairlift might be the obvious solution. However, limited capacity or costs might make this less feasible for others. Stairlift or not, it’s always worth considering the alternatives, and we’ll look at some modern alternatives to stairlifts in this article.

Is it possible to be confined to a single floor of the house and avoid using the stairs altogether? While this may be an option, most people prefer the comfort of their own bed and the convenience of having a bathroom on the same floor. Moving to a one-story home or an assisted living facility might seem like a more suitable alternative. However, moving involves more than just leaving a house; it means leaving behind a place filled with cherished memories. Additionally, the expenses and complications associated with moving can quickly become discouraging. Fortunately, there are alternatives to stairlifts (for which go to our staircase buyers guide) that allow you to continue living in your home while maintaining access to all floors.

We look at the following:

1 Grab Rails

2 Access Ramps

3 Home Lifts

4 Platform Lifts

5 Wheelchair Stair Climbers

1 Stairlift Alternative: Grab Rails

Grab rails, also known as handrails or safety rails, are devices designed to provide support and stability for individuals with mobility issues or balance concerns—an inexpensive alternative to stairlifts. They are commonly installed in various settings, including homes, public buildings, and healthcare facilities, to assist people in moving safely and independently.

The Pros and Cons of Grab Rails

Grab rails offer several advantages for individuals with mobility challenges. Here are some key benefits:

Increased Safety

Grab rails provide a secure grip and support while navigating different areas, such as bathrooms, staircases, or outdoor steps. They help reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls, promoting overall safety.

Enhanced Independence

By offering stability and assistance, grab rails enable individuals to perform daily activities with greater autonomy. This can include tasks like standing up from a seated position, getting in and out of the shower or bathtub, or moving around the house.


Grab rails come in various shapes, sizes, and materials to suit different needs and environments. They can be customized to fit specific areas and can be installed horizontally, vertically, or at angles depending on the user’s requirements.

Cost-Effective Solution

Compared to more extensive modifications or assistive devices, grab rails are often a more affordable option. They can provide significant benefits at a relatively low cost, making them a practical choice for improving accessibility.

However, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks or limitations:

Installation Challenges

Installing grab rails may require professional assistance, especially when dealing with complex structures or specific building regulations. It is crucial to ensure proper installation to ensure the rails are securely attached and capable of supporting the user’s weight.

Aesthetics and Space

While grab rails are functional, some individuals may find them less visually appealing or feel they occupy valuable space in their living areas. However, manufacturers offer a wide range of designs and finishes that can blend harmoniously with different environments.

The Alternatives to Grab Rails

While grab rails are a popular choice, there are alternative solutions available for individuals with mobility challenges. These can include:

Grab Bars

Similar to grab rails, grab bars provide support and stability but are typically smaller and designed for specific areas such as bathrooms. They are commonly found near toilets, showers, and bathtubs.

Transfer Aids

Transfer aids, such as transfer boards or poles, assist individuals in moving from one surface to another. These aids can be particularly useful for transferring from a wheelchair to a bed, chair, or car.

Mobility Aids

Depending on the individual’s mobility needs, mobility aids like walkers, canes, or wheelchairs can provide support and assistance in navigating indoor and outdoor spaces.

Installation of Grab Rails

Proper installation of grab rails is crucial to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Here are some key considerations:

Professional Assistance

It is recommended to seek professional help for the installation of grab rails, especially if structural modifications or compliance with building regulations are necessary. Occupational therapists or experienced installers can provide guidance and ensure the rails are securely fixed.


The positioning of grab rails is essential to accommodate the user’s needs and promote optimal support. Grab rails should be placed at appropriate heights and locations, considering factors such as the individual’s height, reach, and specific mobility requirements.

Material and Finish

Grab rails are available in various materials, including stainless steel, plastic, or chrome. The choice of material depends on factors such as durability, grip, and resistance to corrosion. The finish should be smooth and easy to clean.

Price range for a grab rail in the UK

The price range for grab rails in the UK can vary depending on several factors, including the type of grab rail, material, length, and brand. Grab rails are available in various designs, including straight rails, angled rails, and curved rails, to accommodate different needs and installation locations.

On average, basic grab rails made of durable materials like stainless steel or plastic can range from £10 to £40. These are typically standard-sized grab rails suitable for common applications.

However, specialized grab rails with additional features or designs, such as foldable grab rails, textured grips, or ergonomic shapes, may have higher price points. These can range from £40 to £100 or more.

Grab Rails for Sale

There are numerous suppliers and retailers in the UK that offer grab rails for sale. Here are a few examples:

Mobility Smart

Essential Aids

Complete Care Shop

Active Mobility

Amazon UK

When purchasing grab rails, consider factors such as the specific needs of the user, the desired size and design, and any additional features like anti-slip surfaces or folding mechanisms.

2 Stairlift Alternatives: Access Ramps

Access ramps are often a viable alternative to stairlifts. An access ramp is a sloping structure designed to provide a safe and gradual incline for individuals with mobility challenges to navigate changes in elevation. Access ramps are essential for improving accessibility in various settings, including homes, public buildings, and commercial establishments. They allow individuals who use mobility aids like wheelchairs, scooters, or walkers to move freely and independently and are a flexible alternative to stairlifts.

The Pros and Cons of Access Ramps

Access ramps offer several advantages in terms of accessibility and convenience. Here are some key benefits:

Enhanced Accessibility

Access ramps eliminate barriers and provide a smooth transition for individuals with mobility challenges. They allow wheelchair users, as well as those with limited mobility or difficulty walking, to access buildings, vehicles, and outdoor spaces more easily.

Independence and Inclusion

Access ramps promote independence by enabling individuals to navigate environments without relying on assistance. They also foster inclusivity, ensuring that everyone, regardless of mobility, can participate fully in various activities and access essential services.

Safety and Convenience

Access ramps provide a safer alternative to stairs or uneven surfaces. They reduce the risk of falls and accidents, particularly for individuals with mobility impairments or those using mobility aids. Access ramps also offer convenience for individuals pushing strollers, carrying heavy loads, or using wheeled luggage.

Versatility and Customization

Access ramps come in various designs, materials, and configurations to suit different settings and requirements. They can be permanent or portable, modular or threshold ramps, and can be customized to fit specific spaces and comply with accessibility regulations.

However, it’s important to consider potential drawbacks or limitations:

Space and Aesthetics

Installing an access ramp may require adequate space, especially in confined areas or older buildings with limited structural modifications. Some individuals or property owners may also have concerns about the visual impact of ramps on architectural aesthetics.

Cost and Maintenance

The cost of installing an access ramp can vary depending on factors such as materials, size, complexity, and site preparation. Additionally, ramps may require regular maintenance to ensure their structural integrity, grip, and safety over time.

The Alternatives to Access Ramps

While access ramps are a common solution for improving accessibility, there are alternative options available. These can include:

Portable Ramps

Portable ramps offer a temporary or mobile accessibility solution. They can be lightweight, foldable, or telescopic, allowing for easy transportation and installation in different locations.

Lifts and Elevators

In cases where space or structural limitations make it challenging to install a ramp, vertical lifts or elevators can provide vertical access to multiple levels. These options are particularly useful for buildings with multiple floors or complex architectural layouts.

Stair Lifts

Stair lifts are motorized chairs that travel along a rail system mounted to the stairs. They allow individuals with mobility challenges to access different levels in homes or buildings without the need for a ramp or major structural modifications.

Installation of Access Ramps

Proper installation of access ramps is crucial to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Here are some key considerations:

Compliance with Regulations

Access ramps should comply with relevant accessibility standards and regulations, such as those outlined in the Equality Act 2010 in the UK. These regulations specify dimensions, slopes, handrail requirements, and other safety features to ensure adequate accessibility.

Professional Assessment and Installation

It is recommended to consult with accessibility experts or professionals who can assess the specific needs and requirements of the location. They can provide guidance on ramp design, materials, slope calculations, and installation methods.

Non-Slip Surface and Handrails

Access ramps should have a non-slip surface to enhance grip and prevent accidents, particularly in wet or icy conditions. Handrails should also be installed for added support and stability.

Price range of Access Ramps in the UK

The price range for access ramps in the UK can vary depending on various factors, including the type of ramp, material, length, weight capacity, and any additional features or customization options. Access ramps are designed to provide a smooth and safe transition for individuals with mobility challenges, allowing them to navigate inclines and steps more easily.

The cost of access ramps typically starts from around £100 for basic portable ramps, which are often made of lightweight materials like aluminum or fiberglass. These ramps are suitable for temporary or occasional use and have lower weight capacities.

For more durable and permanent access ramps, the price range can extend to several thousand pounds. Solid, non-foldable ramps made of materials like steel or aluminum alloy tend to be more expensive due to their sturdiness and long-lasting construction. These ramps are suitable for heavier use, higher weight capacities, and outdoor installations.

The length and weight capacity of the ramp can also affect the price. Longer ramps or those designed to accommodate larger wheelchairs or scooters may be priced higher.

Additionally, customized ramps or ramps with special features such as handrails or non-slip surfaces may have a higher price range.

Access Ramps for Sale

There are various suppliers and retailers in the UK where you can find access ramps for sale. Here are a few examples:

Access Appraisals

The Ramp People

Active Mobility

Amazon UK

When purchasing an access ramp, consider factors such as the intended use, location, weight capacity, material durability, and any specific features required for your needs.

3 Home Lifts

It’s worth considering a home lift as a stairlift alternative. A home lift, also known as a residential elevator or home elevator, is a vertical transportation device designed to provide convenient and accessible movement between different levels within a residential property. It’s a more substantial alternative to a stairlift. It consists of a cabin or platform that moves vertically along a rail system, allowing individuals to travel between floors without the need to climb stairs. Home lifts are specifically designed for residential use and offer a practical solution for individuals with mobility challenges or those who simply desire added convenience and accessibility within their homes.

The Pros and Cons of Home Lifts

Home lifts offer several advantages that contribute to enhanced accessibility, convenience, and value for homeowners. Here are some key benefits:

Improved Mobility

Home lifts provide a safe and efficient means of vertical transportation, eliminating the need for climbing stairs. They offer independence and freedom of movement for individuals with mobility challenges, allowing them to access different levels of their homes with ease.

Enhanced Convenience

Home lifts eliminate the physical exertion and potential strain associated with climbing stairs. They make it easier to transport heavy items, such as groceries or furniture, between floors, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries.

Increased Property Value

Installing a home lift can significantly enhance the value and desirability of a property. It adds a unique feature that appeals to potential buyers, especially those with accessibility needs or a desire for a future-proof home.

Customization Options

Home lifts can be customized to suit individual preferences and blend seamlessly with the home’s interior design. There are various cabin finishes, door styles, and control options available to match different architectural styles and personal aesthetics.

Safety Features

Home lifts are equipped with safety features such as emergency stop buttons, door interlocks, and backup power supplies, ensuring user safety and peace of mind.

However, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks or limitations of home lifts:


Installing a home lift can be a significant investment, including the cost of the lift itself, installation, and any required modifications to the home’s structure. The price can vary depending on factors such as the lift’s size, capacity, customization options, and the complexity of the installation.

Space Requirements

Home lifts require adequate space for installation, including a shaft or dedicated space for the lift to move vertically. It’s important to assess the available space and ensure that it meets the requirements of the chosen home lift model.

The Alternatives to Home Lifts

While home lifts offer an excellent solution for vertical transportation within residential properties, there are alternative options available to consider. These alternatives include:


Stairlifts are motorized chairs that move along a rail system installed on stairs, allowing individuals to travel up and down stairs while seated. They are a practical and cost-effective solution for individuals who have difficulty climbing stairs but don’t require access to multiple floors. Click here for more information.

Platform Lifts

Platform lifts, also known as wheelchair lifts or vertical platform lifts, provide vertical access to different levels of a property. They are specifically designed to accommodate individuals who use wheelchairs or mobility aids, offering a safe and efficient means of transportation between floors.

Installation of Home Lifts

Installing a home lift involves several steps to ensure proper functionality, safety, and compliance with regulations:

Professional Assessment

A professional assessment of the home is necessary to determine the suitability of the property for a home lift, assess space requirements, and discuss customization options.

Design and Customization

The home lift is customized to match the home’s interior design and meet individual preferences. Customization options include cabin finishes, door styles, control panels, and lighting.

Installation and Testing

Professional installation is carried out to install the lift system, including the elevator car, guide rails, and electrical components. The lift is thoroughly tested to ensure smooth operation, safety, and compliance with relevant regulations.

Price range for Home Lifts in the UK

The price range for home lifts in the UK can vary significantly based on several factors, including the type of home lift, size, capacity, features, and installation requirements. Home lifts offer convenient and accessible vertical transportation within residential properties, allowing individuals with mobility challenges to move between floors with ease.

The cost of a home lift typically starts from around £10,000 and can go up to £30,000 or more, depending on the specific model and customization options. The price may also vary based on factors such as:

Type of Home Lift

Different types of home lifts are available, including hydraulic lifts, traction lifts, and through-floor lifts. Each type has its own price range based on the technology used and the complexity of installation.

Size and Capacity

The size and weight capacity of the home lift can influence the price. Larger lifts with higher weight capacities generally come at a higher cost.

Features and Customization

Additional features like automatic doors, remote control operation, safety sensors, and interior finishes can add to the overall cost. Customization options to match the home decor or specific user requirements may also affect the price.

Installation and Site Preparation

Installation costs and any necessary site preparation, such as structural modifications or electrical work, should be factored into the total price.

Home Lifts for Sale

There are various suppliers and retailers in the UK where you can find Home Lifts for sale. We’ve listed some examples of the most well-known brands:

Stiltz Home Lifts

Lifton Home Lifts

Terry Lifts

These companies offer a range of stair climbers, including straight and curved models, with options for customization and additional features to suit individual needs.

4 Stairlift Alternatives: Platform Lifts

When it comes to stairlift alternatives, a platform lift is worth considering. A platform lift, also known as a wheelchair lift or vertical platform lift, is a vertical transportation device designed to provide accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges. While less expensive than a home lift as an alternative to a stairlift, it still represents a significant outlay.It allows users to travel between different levels of a building or property, overcoming architectural barriers such as stairs or changes in floor levels. Platform lifts consist of a sturdy platform that moves vertically along a rail system, providing a safe and reliable means of vertical transportation for wheelchair users, individuals with walking aids, or those with limited mobility.

The Pros and Cons of Platform Lifts

Platform lifts offer several advantages that contribute to enhanced accessibility and convenience. Here are some key benefits:


Platform lifts provide a barrier-free solution, allowing wheelchair users and individuals with mobility challenges to access different levels of a building independently. They offer freedom of movement and promote inclusivity by eliminating the need for ramps or physical assistance.


Engineers design platform lifts with safety in mind. They come equipped with features such as non-slip platforms, safety barriers, emergency stop buttons, and smooth and controlled movements. These safety features ensure the well-being of users during transportation.


Engineers install platform lifts in various settings, including residential homes, commercial buildings, public spaces, and transportation hubs. And they customise them to fit specific requirements, such as platform size, weight capacity, and aesthetic preferences.

Space Efficiency

Platform lifts require minimal space compared to alternatives such as ramps or elevators. Engineers install them in existing buildings without significant structural modifications, making them a practical choice for retrofitting projects.


Platform lifts are generally more cost-effective than traditional elevators, making them a viable option for those seeking accessibility solutions on a limited budget. They offer a balance between functionality, affordability, and ease of installation.

However, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks or limitations of platform lifts:

Limited Vertical Reach

Platform lifts are suitable for overcoming a few steps or changes in floor levels but may not be practical for multiple floors. In such cases, alternatives like elevators or inclined platform lifts may be more suitable.

Space Requirements

While platform lifts are space-efficient, they still require adequate space for installation. The available space and configuration of the building are assessed to ensure compatibility with the chosen platform lift model.

The Alternatives to Platform Lifts

Depending on specific requirements and the nature of the building, there are alternative accessibility solutions to consider:


Elevators provide vertical transportation for multiple floors and offer a wider range of options in terms of capacity, size, and design. They are more suitable for buildings with significant vertical reach or higher traffic demands.

Inclined Platform Lifts

Manufacturers design inclined platform lifts for staircases with curves or intermediate landings. They allow users to travel along the incline of the stairs while seated in a platform or wheelchair.

Installation of Platform Lifts

The installation of a platform lift involves several steps to ensure proper functionality, safety, and compliance with regulations:

Professional Assessment

An evaluation of the suitability of the building or property for a platform lift installation needs to be carried out and assessed. This assessment includes evaluating space availability, electrical requirements, and any necessary modifications.


Platform lifts are often customized to suit specific needs, including platform size, weight capacity, and aesthetic preferences. Professional providers offer a range of customization options to meet individual requirements.

Installation and Testing

The installation process involves assembling the platform lift, securing it to the building structure, and connecting it to the electrical system. Once installed, engineers conduct thorough testing to ensure smooth operation, safety compliance, and user satisfaction.

Price range for Platform Lifts in the UK

The price range for platform lifts in the UK can vary depending on several factors, including the specific type of platform lift, customization options, weight capacity, travel distance, and additional features.

Generally, basic vertical platform lifts with standard features and lower weight capacities start around £6,000 to £10,000. As the specifications and customization options increase, such as larger platform sizes, higher weight capacities, longer travel distances, and additional safety features, the price range can extend to £20,000 or more.

Platform Lifts for Sale

There are reputable suppliers and manufacturers in the UK that offer a wide range of platform lifts for sale. Some notable companies include:

Gartec Access Lifts


Stannah Lifts

These companies provide various platform lift models, including vertical platform lifts, inclined platform lifts, and home lifts. They offer professional consultation, installation services, and ongoing maintenance and support.

5 Stairlift Alternatives: Wheelchair Stair Climbers

A Wheelchair Stair Climber, also known as a Wheelchair Stairclimber or Stair Climbing Wheelchair, is a specialized mobility device designed to assist wheelchair users in navigating stairs. It is equipped with built-in mechanisms that allow it to safely and smoothly climb up and down stairs, providing individuals with increased accessibility and independence.

The Pros and Cons of Wheelchair Stair Climbers

Wheelchair Stair Climbers offer several advantages that contribute to enhanced accessibility and convenience. Here are some key benefits:

Increased Accessibility

Wheelchair stair climbers enable wheelchair users to access buildings or areas that have stairs without the need for additional assistance or structural modifications.


Users can navigate stairs on their own without relying on others, promoting a greater sense of independence and freedom.


Stair climbers work on various types of staircases, including straight, curved, and spiral stairs, allowing users to access different environments.

Safety Features

Most Wheelchair Stair Climbers come with safety features such as brakes, seatbelts, and stability systems to ensure a secure and smooth ascent or descent.

However, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks or limitations of Wheelchair Stairclimbers:


Wheelchair stair climbers are more expensive compared to traditional wheelchairs or other mobility aids due to their advanced technology and specialized design.

Weight and Size

Stair climbers may be bulkier and heavier than standard wheelchairs so they might be less portable and require additional storage space.

Learning Curve

It may take some time and practice to become familiar with operating a stair climber and mastering the technique of manoeuvring on stairs.

Alternatives to Wheelchair Stair Climbers

Wheelchair Lifts

Vertical wheelchair lifts, commonly installed in buildings or homes, allow wheelchair users to access different levels without having to navigate stairs.

Home Modifications

In some cases, modifying the physical environment by adding ramps or creating accessible entrances may be a viable alternative to using a stair climber.

Assistance from Others

Depending on the situation, having someone assist with manually carrying the wheelchair user up or down the stairs might be a feasible option.

Installation of Wheelchair Stair Climbers

Installing a wheelchair stair climber typically requires the expertise of a professional. The specific installation process can vary depending on the model and design of the stair climber. It often involves securely attaching the device to the wheelchair, ensuring proper alignment and balance, and conducting thorough safety checks.

Price Range for Wheelchair Stair Climbers in the UK

Stair climbers are not cheap alternatives to stairlifts. The price range for Wheelchair Stair Climbers in the UK can vary significantly depending on factors such as the brand, model, features, and any additional customization options. Generally, Wheelchair Stair Climbers can range from approximately £3,000 to £10,000 or more. Note that these prices are approximate; we recommend you contact specific suppliers or manufacturers for accurate quotes based on your requirements.

Wheelchair Stairclimbers for Sale

There are several reputable mobility equipment providers and manufacturers in the UK that offer Wheelchair Stair Climbers for sale. Some well-known brands include AAT, SANO Liftkar, Alber and The Stair Climbing Company. These companies provide a range of models with different features and specifications to cater to various user needs.

Stairlift Alternatives: Bringing it all Together

Whichever route you take, when it comes to stairlift alternatives, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or mobility specialist to assess your specific needs and determine if the solution you’re considering is the most suitable option for you. They can provide guidance on available models and features and assist you in finding the best solution within your budget. After having considered all the alternatives, it may well be that a staircase lift is the best solution for you after all!