05 Jun, 23

Workplace Support for Carers – Employees who also have Caregiving Responsibilities

Workplace support for carers is crucial in recognizing and addressing the unique challenges faced by employees who also have caregiving responsibilities. Below are some common forms of workplace support available for caregivers – as a Caregiver check whether your employer is attending to any or all of them:

Flexible Working Arrangements

Employers can offer flexible work options such as part-time schedules, job sharing, flexible start and finish times, or remote work arrangements. These options allow caregivers to better balance their work and caregiving responsibilities.

Paid Leave Policies

Employers may provide paid leave specifically for caregiving purposes, such as carers’ leave or compassionate leave. This allows caregivers to take time off work to attend to their caregiving responsibilities without loss of income.

Caregiver Support Networks

Establishing caregiver support networks or employee resource groups within the workplace can provide a space for caregivers to connect, share experiences, and offer mutual support. These networks can facilitate information sharing and provide a sense of community.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

EAPs offer confidential counseling, advice, and support services to employees facing various challenges, including caregiving. EAPs can provide emotional support, guidance on managing stress, and access to resources and referrals.

Workplace Policies and Guidelines

Employers can develop clear policies and guidelines that address caregiver needs, such as compassionate or emergency leave policies, flexible working policies, and information on available support services. These policies ensure consistency and fairness in supporting caregivers across the organization.

Training and Education

Providing training and educational resources on topics like caregiving, work-life balance, stress management, and accessing community resources can help employees develop the skills and knowledge needed to navigate their caregiving responsibilities effectively.

Employee Benefits

Employers can offer benefits that specifically cater to caregivers, such as subsidized or discounted eldercare or childcare services, access to counseling services, or financial assistance for caregiving expenses.

Awareness and Education

Raising awareness about the challenges faced by caregivers and promoting a culture of understanding and support within the workplace can foster empathy and encourage colleagues and managers to be more accommodating and compassionate.

It’s important for employers to proactively engage with employees to understand their specific needs and challenges as caregivers. Regular communication, feedback mechanisms, and open-door policies can create an environment where caregivers feel comfortable discussing their needs and seeking support.

Employers can also seek guidance from organizations specializing in work-life balance, caregiving support, and employee well-being to develop comprehensive caregiver support programs tailored to their specific workforce and industry.

Remember, the specific support available may vary from one organization to another. It’s advisable for caregivers to consult their HR departments or employee handbooks to understand the specific workplace support policies and resources available to them.

Here are some websites that provide advice and resources on workplace support for carers in the UK:

Carers UK

Carers UK is a leading charity providing information, advice, and support for carers. They offer guidance specifically for working carers, including resources on balancing work and caring responsibilities, your rights at work, and requesting flexible working arrangements.


The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) provides information and resources on employment rights and best practices in the workplace. They offer guidance on supporting working carers, including flexible working, time off for dependants, and managing work-life balance.

Employers for Carers

Employers for Carers is a membership forum dedicated to promoting and supporting employers in creating a carer-friendly workplace. Their website provides practical resources, case studies, and guidance for employers looking to implement supportive policies and practices for working carers.

Working Families

Working Families is a charity that focuses on work-life balance and family-friendly policies. They provide advice and information on flexible working, parental rights, and caring responsibilities. Their resources include guides for employers on supporting working carers.

Carers Trust

Carers Trust is a national charity providing support for unpaid carers. Their website offers information and resources on balancing work and caring responsibilities, including advice for working carers and tips for employers on creating carer-friendly workplaces.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

The HSE is the UK’s national regulator for workplace health and safety. Their website provides guidance on managing work-related stress, including resources on supporting employees with caring responsibilities.


The government’s official website offers information on employment rights and benefits for carers. You can find information on Carer’s Allowance, flexible working, and other forms of workplace support for carers.

These websites provide a range of resources, advice, and guidance on workplace support for carers in the UK. It’s advisable to explore these websites to access specific information and resources that can help both employees and employers in creating a supportive work environment for carers.

These websites provide a range of resources, advice, and guidance on workplace support for carers in the UK. It’s advisable to explore these websites to access specific information and resources that can help both employees and employers in creating a supportive work environment for carers.