Who are we?

We are a team of professionals involved in the Mobility and Daily Living Aids sector dedicated to providing independent guidance and useful resources for you and your loved ones to make this process easier.

Whilst there’s certainly a wealth of information out there on the net we realised there was a need to bring as much of it together in one place to save you time and serve as a place where you can begin your research, receive some impartial guidance and maybe make some buying decisions.

It’s our mission to provide information and guidance on key products and issues surrounding Mobility in a simple and straightforward way so you can make comparisons and decisions for yourself. Life can be stressful enough without having to trawl through lots of sites and perhaps without knowing where to start.

We hope you’ll find Independent Mobility Guide is good place to start!

The Team at IMG

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Some of the links on this website go to other websites. Although we vet every website before we place an outgoing link on any of our pages or posts we are not responsible for those websites or any of the content on those websites. We may earn a referral commission if you purchase a product or service as a result of our posts reviews promotions or advertisements.