08 Mar, 24

Concerns about Care Bots

Care bots, also known as caregiving robots or social robots, are a form of artificial intelligence technology designed to assist and interact with individuals in a caregiving or healthcare setting.

A Guardian article entitled: ‘Care bots’: a dream for carers or a dangerous fantasy? (Sun 21 May 2023) explores the transformative effect care bots can bring whilst giving voice to some researchers who question whether such technology could take more than it gives.

This is becoming a key aspect of care and will doubtless be the subject of much discussion. We thought we’d enter the conversation by highlighting some potential positives and negatives associated with care bots.

Positives of Care Bots

Assistance and Support: Care bots can provide assistance with daily tasks, such as reminders for medication, monitoring vital signs and helping with mobility, which can improve the independence and quality of life for individuals in need of care.

Companionship: Care bots can provide companionship, especially for individuals who may feel isolated or lonely. They can engage in conversation, play games, or provide emotional support.

Safety Monitoring: Care bots can help monitor the safety of individuals, such as detecting falls or emergencies and alerting caregivers or medical professionals.

24/7 Availability: Unlike human caregivers, care bots can provide continuous care and support, being available at any time of the day or night.

Consistency and Precision: Care bots can consistently perform tasks with accuracy and precision, reducing the risk of human errors.

Negatives of Care Bots:

Lack of Human Connection: Care bots cannot replicate the emotional connection and empathy that human caregivers provide. Some individuals may prefer human interaction and find the presence of care bots impersonal.

Limited Adaptability: Care bots may not be able to adapt to complex or unpredictable situations that require human judgment and flexibility. They may struggle to handle unique or unexpected care needs.

Technical Limitations: Care bots are dependent on technology and can encounter technical glitches or malfunctions that could disrupt their functionality or compromise their ability to provide care.

Ethical Considerations: The use of care bots raises ethical questions regarding privacy, consent, and the potential dehumanization of care. It is essential to balance the use of technology with maintaining human dignity and respect.

Cost and Accessibility: Care bots can be expensive to develop, purchase, and maintain. This may limit their accessibility to those who can afford them, potentially exacerbating existing inequalities in healthcare.


It’s important to note that the development and use of care bots are still evolving, and their effectiveness and impact may vary based on individual needs and preferences. It is crucial to consider these factors and engage in ongoing research and dialogue to ensure that the implementation of care bots aligns with ethical and human-centered principles.

We will be following this topic in closer detail in the coming months. Please check in again if Care Bots are of interest to you.